Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (2024)

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (1)

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Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (2)

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Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (3)

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (4)

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (5)

Overhauls Fallout 4s combat completely in a new crispy and intense way.


are scriptedand helmets can also prevent headshots.
If you can score a lethal headshot, depends on the weapon. A 10mm weapon will work vs a human, but not vs a super mutant. You'll need a .308 to deal a lethal headshot to a super mutant.For a Yao guai you'll require a .50 cal to deal a lethal headshot.Deathclaws, Behemoths etc. are immun to headshots.

The health of NPCs has been adjusted to prevent bullet sponges.

Equipment is what matters. Weapons/Modifications have been overhauled and you are now able to play a raider style character with pipe weapons only. All weapons are lethal. Getting a good balanced armor rating is key to survive as health does no longer scale with level. Use tactics and plan your actions, when breaching rooms and areas.
Many new features, like stagger, bleedings, stealth killmoves and more wait to be used!

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (6)

(Features are toggleable in MCM and holotape)

Scripted headshots (enabled by default)
Headshots are now scripted, this means they are independentfrom the amount of health damage you deal. What matters is the caliber you shoot and what type of enemy you are facing.

Helmets can prevent headshots (NPC only) but F4SE is required to make this feature work. A short list of enemies and calibers:

#Head destruction(enabled by default)

This is another type of headshot and works similar to normal headshots, except that you need to lower the limb health of your enemies head to 0.

#Enemy categories

Low Races
Bloatfly, Bloodbug, Stingwing, Humans(without helmet), Ghouls (does not include glowing), Radstags, Dogs
(calibers for headshots: All, includes lasers/plasma)

Medium Races
Super Mutant, Mutant Hound, Brahmin, Mirelurk(crabs), glowing ghouls, Humans that are protected with helmets(plastic masks or sacks do not count as helmet)

(Calibers for headshots: .308, .44/Shotgun (close range only), .50, Gauss, 45-70, Harpune)
(Energy weapons "can't" one shot headshot medium races, but if you manage to reduce the head health to zero, their head gets destroyed/dismembeerd and they die.)

High Races
Yao guai, scorpions, fog crawler, gulper, angler
(calibers for headshots: .50, harpune)

Non grouped racescannotbe killed with aheadshot.
Deathclaw, Behemoths other boss like enemies are immun to one shot headshots and need to be killed with explosives and/or tactics.

They are special. If you are using an energy weapon, you can remove their head and they get destroyed immediately.

#Bleedings (+ Widget but requires HUDFramework) (enabled by default)

Four different types of bleeding have been added. Small, Medium, Large, Fatal.

Your damage resistance rating influences the chance of getting a bleed. The higher your armor rating is, the lower is the chance.
The bleeding chance reduction caps at 200 armor rating. Pushing your armor rating beyond 200, will not decrease the chance further.
Getting hit from close with a shotgun will cause a large wound, while getting hit with an other caliber etc it will only cause a small to medium bleeding.

Bleedings stack and can cause death. Not all races can bleed, for example synths and robots in general.
Missing body parts will cause fatal bleeding, which will high likely result in death.You can use HUDFramework and enable a bleeding widget that tells you, when you are bleeding.(optional)

(RequiresBLD - Leveled List plugin-OR-

leveled list injection with the BLD holotape)
Bandages have been added to treat your wounds. Can be found from raiders, gunners, containers that contain first aid and be bought at the doctor. In addition to that, they can be crafted at the chem station.

#Stagger on hit (enabled by default)

Not all races can be staggered, only low and medium races. Stagger is an effective way to interrupt your opponent, but be careful, they can also interrupt you. When you are playing a melee character, your melee attacks can be interrupted when hit. Med-X will make you immun to stagger and gives you an advantage.

#Pain (enabled by default, requires Stagger)

Pain occurs when you get staggered and fades over time or can be treated.
There are 3 types of pain: Minor, Moderate, Severe
The worse the pain, the worse the side effects.
Pain comes with a visual and sound effect(Can be disabled with MCM). Those effects will play after a certain amount of time, while your character is in pain. The strength of these effects, depend on the type of pain you have.

How to cure pain

Pain can be cured with vanilla items, like Alcohol and Med-X. BLD also adds new items to cure pain.
There are 2 types of painkillers. Instant and delayed. Instant, like Med-X have an immediate effect. Pills have a delayed effect(by default 30 ingame minutes)

Base game items:
Alcohol  - minor pain
Herbal Anodyne - moderate pain
Med-X - severe pain

BLD added items:
Aspirin- moderate pain
Morphine - severe pain

Morphine is special and has an extra effect. It fortifies your broken arms and legs. While the duration lasts, your character won't notice, that they are crippled and allow you to run and use weapons without negative effects.

#Locational stagger & bleeding (requires F4SE)

With F4SE, bleedings and stagger are calculated depending on the location hit. If the body part is covered with armor, there is a lower chance a bleeding or stagger occurs. Depending how strong the armor is, the chance is further reduced. Enhancing your armor with crafting, also reduces the chance bleeding and stagger.

This system is automatically enabled, when F4SE is installed and you equip a piece of equipment.

#NPC use items

NPCs now aid their wounds in combat or use buff items(chems) when a fight starts to get an advantage. You can configure this feature with MCM. There are many options to tweak it to your liking.



If you are using this feature, you should also install:Jet Script Bug Fix at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community

#Shotgunknock back
Allows you to knock off low races from their feet at close range. (Can be toggled and tweaked)

#Stab and Break (Stealth finishing moves and more)

Finishing moves can be executed with bare hands, knifes and rifles. (Bare hands only work, when no grenades are equipped)

They are also usable evenwhen detected. You have to stay behind your target to use them.When you are using a knife and you bring your opponentdown to 30% health, you can stab him from the front to finish him off with style.

Block breaker

Attacking an enemy who is blocking and you have more than 80 actions points allows you to break his defense, while he is staggered from the attack he just blocked.


Allows you to shoot of limbs with laser weapons and shotguns.
Additional mode: Free for all (Similar to Live Dismemberment)
You can dismember your enemy with everything you have.

#More immersive block (enabled by default)
Both options can be toggled on/off

Blocks cost action points

Blocks now cost Action Points and if the damage exceeds your current action points, you will take damage.

Heavy hits (
requires Block costs action points)

You can no longer block heavy hitting enemies like Mirelurk Kings, Scorpions, Deathclaws, Behemoths, Sentry Bots and other creatures who hit heavier than a human can withstand. Their attacks will pierce through and damage your health and action points.

#Cut off human limbs with power attacks (sharp long weapons only) (enabled, always)

#Action points drain on melee attacks (enabled by default)

If enabled, you gain a bonus or penaltyfor managing your action points in melee fights. Your damage bonus or penalty depends on your action points in percent. Having more than 80% action points will result in additional armor penetration and damage. When falling below 30% you will deal less damage to your enemy.

#Heavy weapon slow (enabled by default)

Heavy weapons are powerful and come now with a restriction. They will slow you down when equipped. As they are very heavy to carry around. A power armor will help you and remove that restriction.

#Tweakable EXP

Leveling too fast? Slow it down by tweaking the EXP you earn. Allows you also to turn EXP off.
This feature is still available, but if you are looking to adjust your EXP gain, I suggest you to get
Game Configuration Menu


Tweak-abledamage taken
Taking too much damage? Dying at every corner? Reduce the damage you take ingame, to make life more pleasant.
This feature is still available, but if you are looking to adjust your damage taken or done, I suggest you to get
Game Configuration Menu

#Auto save

Forgot to save? No more! When enabled, your game gets automatically saved after a tweakable period of time and only when you are out of combat.

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (7)

#Outdated videos below#

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (8)

Player Scaling

You will start with 180 HP (200 HP with RobCo Patcher) and endurance will increase your HP 5 Health per point.
Want to increase your health further? Perks and other items that provide buffs to health or endurance help you to achieve that.

This change was made to prevent an extremely high health pool at high levels. After a certain level the player became stronger than a Deathclaw. The most important factor for you now is armor, to keep you protected.
Adrenaline is now melee only and increases damage done by 1% per stack. This change was made to prevent the player from getting too powerful.

#NPC Scaling

In Fallout 4 you will meet raiders that have less HP than a Radroach. Deathclaws with less HP than a Bloodbug.
This mod fixes this, by creating health pools for each race.

First of all, no more bullet spongesand better balanced health pools:
Radroaches have less HP than humans.
Humans have less hp than super mutants.
Super mutants have less hp than Deathclaws.

Summary of enemy types

#Small enemies(Roaches, Bloatflys, Dogs etc.)

Small enemies don't have much health and not that hard to get rid of.
If it's small it shouldn't give you a hard time

#Humans & Synths

Humans will now behave like humans. A shot to the head is deadly. Damage to arms and legs, will wound them but less likely kill them. Humans have their own HP Pool. They will need several shots to the chest to bring them down. (Remember, you can cripple them now and break their arms and legs)

Synths behave like humans, but they don't really have a weak spot. They are harder to kill than humans.

#Super Mutants

Super Mutants are now physically superior to humans. They can take much more than a human. Their health pool is much higher than humans. You really want to use rifles / explosives to take them out. A big group of super mutants will give you a lot of trouble, as they should. They are much more resistant. You don't want a fist fight with a super mutant...

#Mirelurks, Scorpions etc.
They can give you trouble, but with the right weapons, you can take them out quick, before they overwhelm you. Aim for their weakspots!

#Large Creatures (Deathclaws, Behemoths, Mirelurk Queens etc.)
You really want to bring some good weapons here, otherwise just run away.

# Adjustments of damage increases from external sources

- Some external sources, that increase damage done have been reduced / do now only increase melee damage.Those changes are required to make things balanced.
- Psycho does now only increase melee damage.
- Strongsperk does only affect melee damage.
- Sneak attacks have been disabled (reduced to x1.0) to avoid one shotting a whole army with a pistol.

#Limb Damage
Cripple your enemies now more easily! Immobilize your enemies and execute them!Shotguns will deal devastating limb damage from close range.You can now disember ghouls and make them crawl before your feets. Shoot off their arms and legs without killing them.

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (9)

What has been changed?

Many weapons have been re-balanced to make every weapon viable. With and without modifications.
This mod enables you to play with the weapon of your choice and easily switch between newly found weapons.
Weapons still differ from each other and different situations, need different weapons.

The base damage of many weapons has beenconsiderably raised.
(This change was made, to better balance out how weapon damage works with damage resistance.)

Weapon receiver modifications has been decreased and can now only increase the damage done by up to 40%

(Reduces the gap between a full modded and un-modded weapon. Making the penalty for using an un-modded weapon much less punishing.)

Weapon out of range multiplier has been raised to 0.75 (was 0.5)
(If your bullet exceeds the range stat of your weapon, it now deals 25% less damage, instead of 50%. This fixes the issue of many weapons being useless with small range.)

Automatic weapons now deal as much damage as their semi counterpart but still have slightly less range.
(I don't know who came up with the idea, that automatic weapons deal ~30% less damage, than their counterpart. Shame on you!)

Shotguns are now useful
(Spread has been decreased and they can deal damage, even at mid range with a decent barrel. Try it!)

Reloading speed has been reduced.
Seek cover while reloading. Surprise your enemies while they are reloading. This affects NPCs and player.

Looking for a patch? Check out the official patch repository

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (10)

#Leveled Lists (strongly recommended but optional, adjustable with MCM)

Leveled lists have been adjusted for a better gameplay.
It covers:
- Equipment re-balanced that NPCs wear
(Equipment that NPCs wear now varies much more and always ranges from low to high. Important for balance of this mod)
- Unlocks all weapons at level 5 (All weapons have been balanced. You can play with whatever weapon you want!)
- Unlocks all enemies at level 5 (Levels do not matter, all NPCs are balanced for all levels. Thanks to the new NPC scaling.)
- Bandages are added to the leveled lists (important when Bleedings are activated. Can also be added with Pip-Boy under Gameplay.)

Loot & Vendors
- Better distributed loot. Good things are rare
- Less ammo / chems / first aid
- More varied weapon spawns (Your enemies may have modified weapons too)
- Containers can be empty (Ammo, Medkits. If you need stuff, you maybe want to visit a vendor and buy stuff with your caps.)


- More varied NPC spawns, that differ in strength. (thanks to NPC Scaling they are all in line to their races nature)
- Raiders have no longer access to combat armor, they stick to their leather & metal as they should.
- Raiders also rarely have "good" weapons. They mainly use pipe weapons.(Don't think, that this will make it easier for you...)
- Foods and drinks NPCs carry have been overhauled. In addition to that, they now also sometimes carry forks, spoons and knifes, depending on their food they carry.
- NPCs now carry moremiscellaneous stuff and add personality:
In example, raiders may carry cigarettes and a lighter. A toothbrush and paste. Pencils and paper. And much more...

#Better Perks #This is listed as optional, but it's still required#

Better Perks overhauls the vanilla perks, so that they play nicely with Better Locational Damage, as vanilla perks break the game at some point.

Perception Perks

  • Riflemanhas it's damage reduced from 20/40/60/80/100 to 3/6/9/12/15
  • Rank 1 adds a chance to stagger the enemy.

Strength Perks
  • Heavy Gunner - has it's damage reduced from 20/40/60/80/100 to 3/6/9/12/15
  • Iron First - has it's damage reduced from 20/40/60/80/100 to 10/20/30/40/50

Agility Perks
  • Commando - has it's damage reduced from 20/40/60/80/100 to 3/6/9/12/15
  • Gunslinger - has it's damage reduced from 20/40/60/80/100 to 3/6/9/12/15
  • Mister Sandman - sneak attack damage has been reduced from 15/30/50 to 5/15/25
  • Ninja - Sneak attack multiplier reduced from 0.5/1.0/1.5 to 0.25/0.5/1.0

#Better Chems

Better Chems is an optional ESP that increases the duration of various chems to a much higher duration. 15/30/60 Minutes. Now chems act like a real buff and are worth to consume and to risk addiction. (This does only change the duration! NOTHING MORE)

Affected Chems

  • Buffout - 60 Minutes
  • Bufftats - 30 Minutes
  • Calmex - 30 Minutes
  • Daddy-O - 60 Minutes
  • Day Tripper - 60 Minutes
  • Fury - 15 Minutes
  • Med-X - Tooltip Fix (The tool tip was wrong, i had to fix it!)
  • Mentats (all kinds) - 15 Minutes
  • X-Cell - 15 Minutes

#Better Vats

Removes the slow time effect and damage reduction gained on activation.

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (11)

#Automatic F4SE Patcher
Make sure to grabBetter Locational Damage - RobCo Patch at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (
which will automatically patch your game and get rid of incompatibilities!

#What about mods that add new ammo types?

Good that you ask! BLD Helper comes with a config file, which contains several mods pre-patched:
New Calibers - several ammo types have been patched, but not all.
Munitions - All ballistic ammo types have been patched.
Any many more.

#Compatibility Patches included
Raider Overhaul byMadMAX713Super Mutant ReduxNightstrikersWeapons of Fate (Ballistics Overhaul)
Any weapons that don't fall into the ballistic category still need to be patched.
(Melee, Laser, Plasma and other type of weapons)

Mods that add new Races also need a patch, so BLD knows, if you can headshot the new race or not. Most mods, that add new NPCs are fine.

Looking for another patch? Visit my Discord or take a look at my official repository

Zzyxzz Official Patch Repository

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (12)

It's recommended that you start a new game with this mod.

If you install this on a existing savegame.

You may want to do a cell reset(see sticky on how to do that), to refresh zones & your enemies.Load Order examples:
Other Mods.esp
Better Locational Damage.esp
Better Leveled Lists.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLCs.esps
Better Locational Damage - Valdacil's Item Sorting - Patch.esp
Other BLD Misc Mods.esps (Better Cooking, Better Chems etc.)

Other Mods.esp
Better Locational Damage.esp
Better Leveled Lists.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLCs.esps
Better Weapons - Patch.esp
Better Leveled Lists - Items - CW Edition.esp
Better Locational Damage - Valdacil's Item Sorting - Patch - CW.esp
Other BLD Misc Mods.esps (Better Cooking, Better Chems etc.)

Other Mods.esp
Better Locational Damage.esp
Better Leveled Lists.esp
Better Locational Damage - DLCs.esps
Better Locational Damage_ Raider Overhaul_Valdacil_Patch.esp
Better Weapons - Patch.esp
Better Leveled Lists - Items - CW Edition.esp
Better Locational Damage - Valdacil's Item Sorting - Patch - CW.esp
Other BLD Misc Mods.esps (Better Cooking, Better Chems etc.)

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (13)

0. If you want to uninstall this mod, it's adivsed to revert to an old savegame. And skip everything else below.
1. Turn the System off in the holotape and wait till the uninstall message in the top left corner.
2. Remove everything related to this mod.
3. (optional but recommended) Cell reset.
4. Done

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (14)

For the best experience, it's recommended to play on survival difficulty and install all recommended modules in the FOMod installer.

It will take Fallout 4 to a whole new level & experience in gameplay. The wasteland will be hard and unforgiving. Your good aim will be rewarded. Create tactics to breach raider filled areas. Be ready to die a lot. Always be aware of your surroundings.If you really love to blow your way through the city, check out my other mod (which i also recommend):

Better Explosives
#Overhauls explosives in Fallout 4, make them differ from each other.
#More BOOM! A grenade will now actually kill something.
#Molotovs now burn enemies to death, instead of blowing them up to death.
#A fix for NPCs spamming grenades.
#A perk overhaul. Optional removal of the Trajectory line, when taking demolition perk, for better immersion.)
#More fun with explosives.

Other mods that are highly recommended
FlaconOil's HD ReTexture Project in 4k 2k - Made from Scratch
Hein84 Texture replacers

#Q: Does this mod effect the player too?
A: Nearly all features affect the player. Headshots and dismember not.

#Q: Does this mod affect all NPCs?
A: Yes, even your followers.

#Q: On which difficulty should i play with this mod?
A: You can play on vanilla survival. It will work fine.

#Q: Can i play with this mod on normal difficulty?
A: Yes you can. But survival is still recommended.

#Q: Why do my explosives deal no damage?
A: Because Bethesda handled them really bad. I tried to fix that with my other mod Better Explosives.
You can choosebetween 3 versions of damage. It's a must have for every explosive expert.
You can find a link above, in the"Recommendation" section.

#Q: I taking too much damage, how can i fix that?
A: In FOMod, are tweaks for the damage you receive and deal. It's also possible to adjust the damage you receive with the settings holotape. Also make sure, you have the mod correctly installed. The starting value for the player health is 200. (If you are using Better Locational Damage - RobCo Patchthe health value will be different, but always be correct.) If your health is below that value without debuffs, then were is something wrong.

#Q: Does this mod work <immersive, realistic, whatever> weapon mod?
A: This mod contains its own weapon overhaul. So, no.

#Q:Does this mod work with mod <insert your favorite mod here>?
A: It's to you to find that out.

#Q:AW MAW GAWD so many esps for one mod? Do i need them all?
A:Yes and no. Try not to merge the main mod, do not touch it. It contains and handles of the scripts. Merge the DLC patches at your own risk. They do not contain any scripts, so it should be possible. Other small misc patches like no legendary enemies, no combat music, VATS can be merged without any issues. I'll not offer merged ESPs, as its too much work to maintain many different versions of this mod.

Better Locational Damage and Optional Gameplay Overhauls (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.