Interactive Map | Memphis MPO (2024)

Interactive Webmaps


The data included in the Memphis Urban Area MPO’s Interactive Webmaps are intended to provide information on the Memphis MPO’s planning products. The data and information included in the maps have been carefully examined; however, errors or missing data may exist. The map does not replace or invalidate the plans or documents from which the information was derived. For more detailed information, please refer to specific agency websites. Data layer updates are performed as needed and with time permitting.

Interactive Webmap

The primary webmap maintained by the Memphis MPO, this ArcGIS dashboard contains information on existing transportation facilities, planned projects, municipal boundaries, and the functional classification of roadways.

(Click the image below to visit the Memphis MPO Interactive Webmap)

Interactive Map | Memphis MPO (1)

Interactive Map | Memphis MPO (2)


To show or hide any of the layers listed below, click the Layers icon in the top right corner of the map. (See image to the right)

  • MPO Planning Area: The Memphis MPO’s Metropolitan Planning Area (MPA)
  • Municipalities: The municipal or jurisdictional boundaries of a city, town, or agency in the Metropolitan Planning Area.
  • RTP Project Points and RTP Project Lines: Projects included in the fiscally-constrained list of the Memphis MPO’s Moving Together: 2050 Regional Transportation Plan. Note that projects listed as "E+C" are "Existing and Committed", which means project(s) which are open to traffic, currently under construction, or are identified in the TIP with programmed construction funding. For more information, visit the Moving Together: 2050 RTP.
  • TIP Project Points and TIP Project Lines: Projects included in the Memphis MPO’s FY2023-26 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). For more information, visit the FY 2023-26 TIP webpage.
  • Airports: Names and locations of all eight airports in the Memphis MPO area.
  • Intermodal Freight Facilities: Names and locations of intermodal freight facilities which connect ports, airports, and railroads to the road network.
  • Intermodal Passenger Facilities: Names and locations of transit centers and train stations operated by MATA, Amtrak, and intercity bus companies.
  • Bikeway Facilities: Bike lanes, shared use paths, trails, and other facilities for bicycle riding.
  • Functional Classification: The federal system which identifies roads by their design and traffic levels as either Arterials, Collectors, and Local roads. For information on how each type of road is defined, see FHWA’s website.

Memphis MPO’s Congestion Management Process (CMP) Interactive Maps

Key Terms:

  • Peak Hours of Excessive Delay (PHED) per Mile: The threshold for excessive delay is based on the travel time at 20 miles per hour or 60% of the posted speed limit travel time, whichever is greater, and is measured in 15-minute intervals. The annual hours of PHED per mile measure divides the total annual hours of peak hour excessive delay along a segment by the total length (in miles) of the segment.
  • Level of Travel Time Reliability (LOTTR): LOTTR is defined as the ratio of the longer travel times (80th percentile) to a normal travel time (50th percentile), and segments with a ratio of 1.50 or higher are considered unreliable. This calculation is conducted during 4 time periods; 1) Weekdays 6 A.M.-10 A.M. 2) Weekdays 10 A.M.- 4 P.M. 3) Weekdays 4 P.M-8 P.M 4) Weekends 6 A.M. to 8 P.M. In order for a segment to be considered reliable, the LOTTR ratio must be below 1.50 for all four time periods.
  • Truck Travel Time Reliability Index (TTTR): The TTTR ratio is generated by dividing the 95th percentile truck travel time by the 50th percentile truck travel time for each reporting segment. Reporting is divided into five periods: 1) Weekdays 6 A.M.-10 A.M. 2) Weekdays 10 A.M.-4 P.M. 3) Weekdays 4 P.M.-8 P.M. 4) Weekends 6 A.M.-8 P.M. 5) Overnights for all days 8 P.M.-6 A.M. The TTTR Index is generated by multiplying each segment’s largest ratio of the five periods by its length, then dividing the sum of all length-weighted segments by the total length of Interstate.

(Click the image below to visit the MPO’s Congestion Management Process (CMP) Interactive Maps)

Interactive Map | Memphis MPO (3)

For more information on the Memphis MPO's CMP and the metrics included in this map, visit the Congestion Management Process webpage.

MPO Projects

Mid-South Greenprint

GREENPRINT 2015/2040 is the final plan of the Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan initiative, a process funded by a...

I-269 TN Plan

In an effort to help shape future development along the I-269 Corridor in Tennessee, the Transportation Policy Board (TPB) of...

Poplar Southern Corridor

The Southern/Poplar Corridor is a major east-west arterial roadway in Shelby County, TN. The corridor plays an important role as...

Background In an effort to improve the quality of bus stops in the Greater Memphis Region the Memphis MPO, in...

Land Use Model

A critical component of understanding future travel patterns and travel need throughout the Greater Memphis region is having a model...

Houston Levee Corridor

Houston Levee is an important north-south arterial roadway in the eastern part of Shelby County. It begins South of US-Hwy...

Interactive Map | Memphis MPO (2024)


What is functional classification in Memphis MPO? ›

Functional Classification: The federal system which identifies roads by their design and traffic levels as either Arterials, Collectors, and Local roads.

What is the interactive map? ›

Interactive mapping involves using maps that allow zooming in and out, panning around, identifying specific features, querying underlying data such as by topic or a specific indicator (e.g., socioeconomic status), generating reports and other means of using or visualising select information in the map.

What is an example of functional classification? ›

The functional classification of a road is the class or group of roads to which the road belongs. There are three main functional classes as defined by the United States Federal Highway Administration: arterial, collector, and local.

What are the functional classification categories? ›

Functional classification is the process by which the nation's network of streets and highways are categorized according to the type of service they provide. It represents the function of a roadway based on several factors including volume of traffic and types of trips served.

What is the best interactive map? ›

Top Interactive Map Software Tools
  • PamPam. ...
  • Felt. ...
  • Mapme. ...
  • Maptive. ...
  • Zeemaps. ...
  • Google Maps. ...
  • Scribble Maps. ...
  • Esri - ArcGIS Online. ArcGIS is widely popular in sectors like education and government, offering a comprehensive suite of features for creating, sharing, and analyzing maps.
Jul 2, 2024

What does the interactive map show? ›

Interactive maps can show points, lines, and polygons indicating a specific place on a background basemap, such as a satellite image.

What is the best way to create an interactive map? ›

Creating Interactive Maps: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Beginners
  1. Choose Your Map Software. The first step to creating an interactive map is choosing the right map software. ...
  2. Gather Your Data. ...
  3. Plot Your Data. ...
  4. Add Interactivity. ...
  5. Customize Your Map. ...
  6. Publish Your Map.
Nov 3, 2023

What is functional system classification? ›

Functional classification is an ordering system that defines “the part that any particular road or street should play in serving the flow of trips through a highway network.” Functional classification categorizes streets according to their ability to 1) move traffic, and 2) provide access to adjacent properties.

What is functional records classification? ›

Functional Classification

Good recordkeeping practice calls for organizing records according to the functions to which they relate (e.g., finance, human resources, governance), rather than organizing files alphabetically.

What is functional classification approach? ›

Function-based classification was introduced with the belief that records are by-product of actions, and actions were created within functions. Function-based classification is more stable and rarely changes. The theory of function-based classification has been well accepted in the US and Australia.

What are the classification of functional styles? ›

In the English literary standard we distinguish the following major functional styles: 1) The language of belles-lettres. 2) The language of publicistic literature. 3) The language of newspapers. 4) The language of scientific prose.


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.